The date 09-08-85 in Roman numerals would be IX.VIII.LXXXV and the full version of the date 09-08-1985 would be IX.VIII.MCMLXXXV
In Roman numerals 08 would be VIII, 29 would be XXIX and 09 would be IX. If you are asking about a date... 08-29-2009 that would be VIII.XXIX.MMIX
Viii - ix - mmiv
The date 09-08-1975 in Roman numerals would be IX.VIII.MCMLXXV
The date 09-08-85 in Roman numerals would be IX.VIII.LXXXV and the full version of the date 09-08-1985 would be IX.VIII.MCMLXXXV
2008-09 -istqtr and iind qtr is 15-05-08
there will no rugby game pass rugby 08
Last Call with Carson Daly - 2002 2007-08-09 was released on: USA: 9 August 2007
Last Call with Carson Daly - 2002 2004-09-08 was released on: USA: 8 September 2004
In Roman numerals 08 would be VIII, 29 would be XXIX and 09 would be IX. If you are asking about a date... 08-29-2009 that would be VIII.XXIX.MMIX
Viii - ix - mmiv
Australia: 10/02/08 Europe: 10/03/08 North America (US): 10/14/08
12:34:56, 07/08/09
The date 18-10-08 in Roman numerals would be XVIII.X.VIII and the date 18-10-2008 would be XVIII.X.MMVIII
A Book Like This was created on 2007-09-08.