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Q: What do you call a judge will hear both sides of an argument fairly?
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What type of Judge will hear both sides of the argument fairly?

An impartial judge will hear both sides of the argument fairly by listening to the evidence presented, applying the law fairly, and making a decision based on the facts of the case rather than personal bias or external influence.

What is decision announced by an arbitrator?

An arbitrator is a third party who hears both sides of an argument and then makes an impartial decision. The decision announced by an arbitrator is often as binding as if it was announced by a judge.

A decesion that tries to satisfy both sides of an argument?


What is the word for the person who listens to both sides of an argument and decides?

a mediator

How does a lawyer summarize a criminal case?

After both sides in the case have finished presenting their casss and have 'rested,' both the prosecution and the defense (in criminal cases) or the plaintiff and the defense (in civil trials) present to the judge and/or jury what is known as their "closing argument" in which they summarize their view of the case and try to convince the judge or jury to their point-of-view.

What is an effective leader?

good manegment , the ability to listen to both sides of a argument :) xx

Why should you know both sides of an argument examples?

So you can give a fair judgement.

What is conflicting evidence?

It is evidence that can tend to support both sides of a question, argument, or case.

What should be done about questions that call for an answer with a biased point of view?

Give both sides of the argument

What are negotation skills?

I would say that they are the ability of a person to see the relative perspective of both sides of an argument with the additional ability to see a path to guide them to an agreement both sides can live with.

What are people saying about the ban on smoking?

You already guessed that there are two sides to this argument, and they have both been fairly well expressed by now. Additionally, the issue is fairly black and white. It's "I don't want anyone to endanger my health" on one side, and "I have rights, and I want to exercise them by smoking when and where I want to without government infringing on them."

What is an balanced argument?

A balanced argument presents both sides of an issue without bias, allowing for a fair assessment of the topic. It involves acknowledging different perspectives and providing evidence or reasoning to support each viewpoint. Ultimately, a balanced argument aims to help readers or listeners make informed decisions based on a comprehensive understanding of all sides of the argument.