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A line of best fit

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Q: What do you call a line drawn through points on a graph?
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What do you call two points that lie on the same line?

Any two points lie on the same line, since a line can be drawn through any two points.Three points that lie on the same line are described as being "collinear" points.

What are the black dots that surround a graph?

Its call the grid its used so the points you make are more accurate

How many straight lines can be formed by connecting any 2 of the 6 non-collinear points?

15 Consider one of the points. Call it point A. You can draw one line containing A through each of the other five lines (i.e., there are five lines that contain both A and another of the five points). Now, consider another of the points -- call it B. Excluiding the line that contains A and B, there are four lines that can be drawn containing B and one of the other four points. Continue this process for all the points. You get 5+4+3+2+1=15 lines. In general, if you have n non-collinear points, there are n+(n-1)+(n-2)+...+2+1=n*(n+1)/2 lines that can be drawn through any two of those points.

What is the distance formula for a graph?

To get the distance between two points on a graph, call the first point #1 and call the second point #2. Subtract the (x from #1 from the x from #2). Square that quantity. Then add the result of subtracting the (y from #1 from the y from #2) after squaring the subtracting y points. Then, take the square root of everything.

What is a call graph?

A call graph is a directed graph representing relationships between called and calling subroutines in a computer programme, as used in code analysis.

What do you call a function whose graph is a non-vertical line?

It is a function. If the graph contains at least two points on the same vertical line, then it is not a function. This is called the vertical line test.

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What do you call a line segment that passes through the center of a circle and touches two points on the circle?

The secant.

What do you call a vertical line on a graph?


What do you call the graph of a quadratic function?

the graph of a quadratic function is a parabola. hope this helps xP

What do you call a graph that uses pictures and symbols?

A graph that uses pictures and symbols is called a pictograph

When you call fuzzy set as fuzzy graph?

fuzzy graph is not a fuzzy set, but it is a fuzzy relation.