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Q: What do you call a line of school children walking in pairs in a line?
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What do you call a line of children walking in pairs?


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What do you call the pole used for hiking?

It's a "walking-pole". Or hiking-pole if you like. Normally used in pairs, and don't forget to adjust them to suit you properly.

What is the uses of mobile for school children?

to call their parents in emergencies.

What do you call a place where children sleep in a boarding school?

A dormitory.

How do you make your children call in sick at school without there grades going down on sims 2?

There is no option to call in sick to school.

What do you call male pairs of dolphins?

There is no proof that such pairs exist.

What do you call a person who carries the sign 'stop - children crossing'?

That would be a school crossing guard.

What is the motto of Hasmonean High School?

Hasmonean High School's motto is 'Don't call them your children, rather your builders'.

What is China like for children?

the life in china for children is kinda of great except they cant go to school or anything the call them the black children

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Mathematicians call them "factor pairs."

What do you call a person who is walking?

A person who is walking is a pedestrian.