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Q: What do you call a man with no armes no legs buried 3ft under?
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Do you call cats legs legs?

No, we call a cat's legs "legs".

What do you call insects arms?

you call them legs

hi what do call a pig with no legs?

A legless pig

What do you call the following parts of the body Legs and arms?

How about Legs and Arms.

What do you call a stand three legs?

A stand with three legs is a tripod.

What do you call a ghost with no legs?


Why do ladybugs put there legs inside there wings.?

They don't, They fold their legs under their body when flying or under threat.

Why do you call a butterfly an insect when it has 6 legs?

A butterfly is an insect because it has 6 legs, Insects have six legs.

What do you call a person with thin long legs?

You shouldn't call them anything.

What do you call an animal with two legs?

A Biped

What do they call a dog with no legs?

no leded dog

What do we call a stand on three legs?
