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An electrical conductor is a material that can carry electricity.

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Q: What do you call a material that can carry electricity?
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What do you call a material that wont carry an electric current?

An insulator is a material that does not conduct electricity and will not carry an electric current. Examples of insulators include rubber, plastic, and glass.

What do you call a material that does not let electricity pass through it?

A material that does not conduct (or allow the 'passage' of) electricity is called an "insulator".

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What do you call a material that is poor conductor of heat or electricity?

An insulator.

Is metal a conductor of electricity?

For a material to conduct electricity, it must have free movable electric charges, such as free electrons or free ions, in order to 'carry' electricity. In the case of metals, there is a 'sea' of delocalized electrons. These free electrons can 'carry' the electricity, and thus, it is a conductor.

What do you call something that allows heat or electricity to pass through it?

A material that allows heat or electricity to pass through it is called a conductor. Conductors have high electrical and thermal conductivity, enabling them to carry electrical current or transfer heat effectively.

Is metal a electrical conductor?

For a material to conduct electricity, it must have free movable electric charges, such as free electrons or free ions, in order to 'carry' electricity. In the case of metals, there is a 'sea' of delocalized electrons. These free electrons can 'carry' the electricity, and thus, it is a conductor.

What do you call a material that allows electricity to flow through it easily?

A material that allows electricity to flow through it easily is called a conductor. Conductors have low electrical resistance and permit the flow of electric current due to the presence of free electrons. Examples of conductors include metals like copper and aluminum.

What is a complete path for transfer of electricity?

A complete path for the transfer of electricity involves a power source, conductive material (wires or cables) to carry the electricity, and a load (device or equipment) that uses the electricity. The electricity flows from the power source through the conductive material to the load, where it is converted into useful work. The path forms a closed loop circuit, allowing the electricity to continuously flow.

What do you call materials which can carry electricity?

Materials that can carry electricity are called conductors. These materials have properties that allow the flow of electrical charge, such as metals like copper and aluminum. Conductors are essential components in electrical wiring and circuits.

What do you call the material that resist the flow of electric current?

The material that resists the flow of electric current is called an insulator. Insulators have high resistance to the flow of electricity and are used to prevent electricity from flowing where it is not desired.

What do you call a material that does not allow the flow of electricity through it?

An insulator is a material that does not allow the flow of electricity through it. Examples of insulators include rubber, plastic, and glass. Insulators have high resistivity, which prevents the movement of electric charges.