No, because a parallelogram is a kind of quadrilateral - a FOUR sided plane figure.
A pentagon has 5 sides
a pentagon
A pentagon is a polygon that has 5 sides. It is a planar geometric shape made of 5 line segments, and by definition, the shape lies in a plane. It has only two dimensions. In the two dimensions of the plane, the pentagon has five sides. By adding a third dimention to view it, it still has only five sides because it has no "thickness" owing to the fact that it is a geometric figure confined to a plane. In either a two domentional view or a three dimentional view, the pentagon has 5 sides. Adding another dimention to view it will not "add any more sides" to the pentagon.
Pentagon, or pentahedron if it's a 3-D figure rather than a plane figure.
No, because a parallelogram is a kind of quadrilateral - a FOUR sided plane figure.
it has 5 sides A pentagon has five sides. "Regular" means that they are all the same length. A pentagon has 5 sides. 5 There are 5 sides in a regular pentagon a plane figure with five sides and angles There are 5 sides 5 5 sides
A Pentagon. A five sided figure is a pentagon
A figure with five sides is a pentagon.
A Polygon is a closed plane figure bounded by straight sides.Polygons is a plane figure with more than 3 straight sides and angles and are typically 5 or more.
A pentagon has 5 sides
a pentagonpentagon.A pentagon is a figure with five sides.
A Pentagon has five sides.
A plane figure (2-dimensional) of 6 sides. Remember from Latin the prefix of the word indicates the number of sides. 'Poly = Many Tri = 3 Tetra/Quad = 4 Penta = 5 Hexa = 6 Hepta = 7 Octa = 8 Nona = 9 Deca = 10 The suffix 'gon' indicates that it is a plane 2- dimensional figure.
A plane is a two dimensional figure that is a set of line segments or sides all lying inside of a single plane. Some examples of plane figures are a triangle, pentagon, octagon, hexagon and circle.