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a square

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Q: What do you call a shape with equal sides?
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What do you call a shape that does have equal sides?

A regular shape.

What do you call a shape that does not have all sides equal?

It is an irregular shape

What do you call a shape that does not have equal sides?


What shape does not have all equal sides?

In a triangle with no sides congruent we call it scalene.

What do you call a shape that has 5 sides that are not equal?

An irregular pentagon

Shape with equal sides?

a shape with equal sides

What do you call a 2d shape tghat has 4 equal sides?

It is a square

What do you call a shape with 4 equal- length sides opposite sides parallel but no right angles?

a rhombus

What is a shape which does not have equal sides?

circle The shape that does not have equal sides is a circle

What shape with no equal sides?

i think that a circle is a shape with no equal sides

What shape does not have equal sides and starts with an i?

what shape beginning with i does not have equal sides

What type of shape doesn't have equal sides?

A shape that does not have equal sides is called an irregular shape.