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It's a reflex angle

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Q: What do you call angles that measure more than 360 degrees for example a 370 degree angle?
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The common unit to measure angles is called what?


What does a protractor measure?

A protractor measures the degree of angles and circles.

What is a degree measure of an angle in a reglar hexagon?

Interior angles: 120 degrees Exterior angles: 60 degrees

Three angles of a quadrilateral measure 80 degrees 100 degrees and 55 degrees what is the measure of the fourth angle?

80 degree

What is the unit used to measure angels and temperature?

Degrees is the measure for angles and temperature. "Degree" can apply to many things other than angles and temperature. In fact, a degree of angles is quite different from a degree of temperature. You might say more exactly that there are degrees F, degrees C, and degrees K acting as units of temperature measurements, in fact. Also more precisely, you might say that there are 'degrees of arc' as the unit measure of angles. But then, so are 'minutes' and 'seconds' a measure of arc - smaller units of a degree.

Two angles of a triangle measure 15 degree and 85 degree what is the measure for the third angle?

80 degrees(We're talking strictly about interior angles here.)

Two angles of a quardilateral measures 75 degree and 105 degree respectively the other two angles are equal find the measure of eachof these equal angles?

The other two angles each measure 90 degrees

How many 90 degree angles does a sqare have?

A square has four 90 degree angles at each corner

Why do we measure angles in degrees?

Because an angle is a degree. It would be pretty silly to measure them in, say, horsepower, no?

Could a rectangle only have two degree angles?

No, a rectangle cannot have any angles that measure 2 degrees.

If the measure of angle DAB is 50 degrees and the measure of angle DAC is 20 degree what is measure of CAB?

If that is the angles of a triangle then the 3rd angle is 110 degrees

Do all right angles measure 90 degrees?

Yes. All 90-degree angles are "right angles", and all right angles are 90 degrees. Anything else is not a right angle.