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Q: What do you call approximating value?
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Simplest form means the most exact value without approximating.

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What is a method of approximating cost functions?

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Vincent Edward O'Neill has written: 'The final value method of approximating the solution to non-linear differential equations which are constant in the steady state'

What is the difference between call by name and call by value in programming languages?

In programming languages, call by value passes the value of a variable to a function, while call by name passes the name of the variable. Call by value evaluates the value before passing it, while call by name evaluates the value when it is used in the function.

What do you call the number?

You call it its value.

What is the noun for approximate?

The noun forms of the verb to approximate are approximation and the gerund, approximating.

Why filters are used in rectifier circuit?

to convert pulsed AC to something approximating DC.

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What is the difference between call by value and call by name in programming languages?

In call by value, the value of the argument is passed to the function, while in call by name, the expression for the argument is passed and evaluated each time it is used in the function.