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Q: What do you call it if there is an audience on all four sides in drama?
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What is a traverse theater?

An alternative arrangement of seating to the classic (end-on) arrangement, in which the audience are placed on two opposite sides of the stage. Other alternatives include theatre in the round, in which the audience are present on all four sides of the stage, and thrust in which the audience sit on three sides of the stage.

What do they call a shape that has 4 sides?

as shape with four sides is generally a squre but a group of shapes with four sides are called quadrelaterals

What do you call any shape with four sides?

a quadrilateral

What is it call when it have four sides an surrounded by land?

land locked

What do you call a four-sided polygon with four parallel sides the same length?

It is a square or a rhombus

How many edges does a 2 dimensional square have?

In two dimensions, we call them sides. A square has four sides.

What do you call a polygon with 4 equal angles sides?

A polygon with four equal angles and sides is a square.

What do you call a shape with four sides and all different angles?

its a trapezium

What do you call a shape that has 4 unequal sides?

well the name of shapes that has four sides are called quadrilateral its called.

What do you call a quadrallateral with no sides?

It's called an internally contradictory definition. "Quadrilateral" means a figure with four sides. A figure with no sides is not a quadrilateral.

What is a quadrilarterral?

It is a shape that consists of at least four sides that's why they call it a QUADrangle