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Q: What do you call people waiting standing on line?
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What does standing on line mean?

Answer: Standing "on line" is a simple way of saying that you are waiting in a line in NYC. Although, most Americans may use "in line", standing "on line" represents that a New Yorker feels on top of the world.

Do you wait in line or online?

If there is an actual physical line on the floor, and you are on it, then you are on line. If you are in a line of people, you are in line. If you are in a line of people, and also standing on a physical line on the floor, then you are both in and on line. If there is a group of people, standing in a line, and you are standing on top of the group of people standing in line, then you are standing on line.

In kickball if your standing on line waiting for your turn will you get out if the ball touches your leg?

No it won't be an out

What does mean on line?

Answer: Standing "on line" is a simple way of saying that you are waiting in a line in NYC. Although, most Americans may use "in line", standing "on line" represents that a New Yorker feels on top of the world.

How much time do Americans spend standing in line?

On average, Americans spend about 37 billion hours per year waiting in lines. This can vary based on location and the type of activity people are waiting for.

What does stand on mean?

Answer: Standing "on line" is a simple way of saying that you are waiting in a line in NYC. Although, most Americans may use "in line", standing "on line" represents that a New Yorker feels on top of the world.

I need to get a phone with nothing on it but 1 line. No call waiting, call forwarding, caller ID, or?

I need to get a phone with nothing on it but 1 line. No call waiting, call forwarding, caller ID, or anything like that. Just 1 straight line into my house

What is a line of waiting people?

a que

What is the bread line?

A bread line is people waiting in line for food.

How do you draw a queue?

One definition of queue is a line of people or vehicles waiting their turn. You could draw a bunch of people waiting in line or a line of vehicles waiting to go through a toll booth or to board a ferry.

What is a British line of waiting people?

A Queue.