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they are called human beings same as you or i

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Q: What do you call people with two heads?
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What do you call babies with two heads?

You call it a double headed creature.

What do you call people who smoke weed?

weed heads

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What are the release dates for Call Center - 2009 Two Heads Part 2 1-6?

Call Center - 2009 Two Heads Part 2 1-6 was released on: USA: 10 March 2009

What are the release dates for Call Center - 2009 Two Heads Part 1 1-5?

Call Center - 2009 Two Heads Part 1 1-5 was released on: USA: 10 March 2009

What do you call people with big heads?

Melonhead, Uberskull, Hat hog etc...

What did people call Henry viii if he was ugly?

they couldn't call him ugly otherwise it would have been , 'OFF WITH THEIR HEADS'.

What do call a figure with two arrow heads that can extended indefinitely both directions?

A Line

What are some funny names that people call you for smoking to much Tobacco?

they are called tobacco heads

What is the name of the emo cartoon where it has the two people with underwear on there heads?

pon and zi they are awesome

Can turtles have two heads?

Yes, it can have a mutation which causes it to have two heads.

What do you call Midnight RED fans?

They call their fans 'Red Heads'.