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Q: What do you call someone that is an expert in a product information?
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How do i install well water from well to camp.?

Not nearly enough information. -Call a well technician for an expert, on-site opinion.Not nearly enough information. -Call a well technician for an expert, on-site opinion.

What do you call someone who is an expert in grammar?

A person who is an expert in grammar is called a linguist or a grammatician.

What do you call an expert in ores?

A mineralogist or a geologist would be an expert in ores. They study the composition, distribution, and formation of minerals and ores in the Earth's crust.

What do you call someone who enjoys doing crafts?

Craftist ex. Olivia Nolan is an expert craftist

What do you call someone that makes soaps?

Soapmaker Soapcrafter A cosmetologist is someone who is an expert in the use of cosmetics so I would not use it for a soap maker.

What do you call someone who can demonstrate a particular skill or has knowledge in a trade of profession that will help the court determine the truth of the matter at issue?

They are known as "expert" witnesses.

In what type of court cases are expert witnesses needed?

You would be an expert wittness in cases where there was a murder or a rape or something in that category. They call an expert witness in to provide information on the persons behavior and different acts they have done.

Is the marine gps waterproof?

You should be able to find your answer on the packaging, itself. Also, you can call the manufacturer or do a web search to get your answer. Also, if you know someone who has the product, they should be able to give you the information.

What do you call a person who is expert in many languages?

A person who is an expert in many languages is called a polyglot. This term is used to describe someone who has a high level of proficiency in multiple languages.

What do you call an expert in guns?

Expert, Knowledgeable, etc..