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XY Chart

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Q: What do you call the chart that shows the proportions of how one or more data elements relate to another data element?
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What do you call the chart that show the proportions of how one or more data elements relate to another data element?

XY Chart

Which chart is used to show the proportions of how one or more data elements relate to one other?

The right answer is "XY CHART", not Pie Chart, because when it comes to the fact, "one or more data elements are relate to another data element" can only be seen & proven in XY CHART ONLY.

How elements relate to atoms?

it is cause atom is a thing that is big an element is to to big

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it is cause atom is a thing that is big an element is to to big

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The other elements relate to fluorine are chlorine, bromine , iodine etc since they have 7 valence electrons and hence, belong to group 17

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Proportion I'd say.

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What is meant by element density?

An elements density is its mass per unit volume. It is also how packed together the molecules are in the element. For example, a rock is more dense then a piece of paper. Well if you were to relate that to elements, you could say Hydrogen is less dense then Gold. The formula is density=mass/volume

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The proportions of substances in a mixture determine its identity because they determine the physical and chemical properties of the mixture. Changing the proportions can result in a different substance with distinct characteristics. The proportions of different components in a mixture also influence its behavior and functionality.

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it is cause atom is a thing that is big an element is to to big

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it can relate because of the elements of force, gravity, balance, and rotation.