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Q: What do you call the continuous dots at the end of repeating decimal its starts with letter E?
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What is four- elevenths as a decimal?

It is a repeating decimal that starts: 0.363636... (repeating the digits '36' forever).

What is a fraction or a decimal that repeats.?

The answer depends on the repeating string and also on other digits after the decimal point before the repeating string starts.

How many kilometres makes one mile?

1.6 is close, the real # is a repeating decimal that starts with 1.6

Why is a decimal rational?

Some decimals are rational, and some aren't. A decimal is rational when it terminates or repeats.

10 letter word that starts with c ends with s?

continuous courageous

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What is an example of a repeating fraction?

A repeating fraction is a decimal representation of a number in which a string of numbers repeats itself endlessly. The repeating string may start after a finite number of non-repeating digits. For example, 29/132 = 0.21969696... repeating. The repeated sequence is [96] which starts after two digits.

What is 1 out of 6 in decimal?

1/6 is a non-terminating, repeating decimal. It starts as 0.16 and continues onward with 6s infinitely. Usually this value is truncated after a certain number of place. See this example of a truncated version of the decimal 1/6. 0.16666666666666666666666666666667

How do you write decimal fraction between 6.4 and 6.9?

It is any fraction which starts off with 6.4, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7 or 6.8 except thatif it starts with 6.4, there must be a non-zero digit following.if it starts with 6.8, it cannot be followed by an infinitely repeating sequence of 9s.

What ten letter word has no repeating letters and starts with the letter A?

Abstemious is one. Others include: abjections abolishers abortively abridgment absolutive absorbency achondrite adenovirus aftershock algorithms

How many numers does pi have?

The number pi starts as 3.141592653... and goes on forever, never ending and never repeating. It has been calculated out to billions of decimal places, without ever ending (and it never will).

How do you change a decimal to a mixed number or fractions?

If the decimal goes on forever without repeating, the decimal is the representation of an irrational number and cannot be expressed as a fraction. Otherwise: Any number (other then zero) before the decimal point will be the whole number of a mixed number, and the digits after the decimal point represent the fraction. If the decimal terminates, then take the digits after the decimal point and put them over a '1' followed by the same number of '0's as there are digits, and simplify. eg 0.125 has three digits after the decimal point, so put the three digits (123) over a '1' followed by three '0's. that is over '1000' and simplify: 0.125 = 125/1000 = 25/200 = 5/40 = 1/8 If the decimal does not terminate but repeats a sequence of digits, put the repeating digits over the same number of '9's and simplify. eg 0.121212... has two repeating digits (12), so put them over two '9's (99) and simplify: 0.121212... = 12/99 = 4/33 If the decimal starts with a few digits and then repeats, convert the first few digits to a fraction as above (for the terminating decimal) and add the repeating digits converted to a fraction as above, but also follow the '9's of the repeating fraction by the same number of '0's as the initial digits. eg 0.1666... starts with one digit (1) followed by one repeating digit (6): The one non-repeating digit becomes 1/10 (the denominator is '1' followed by one '0'). The one repeating digit becomes 6/90 (the denominator is '9' as there is one repeating digit, followed by one '0' as there was one non-repeating digit). Thus: 0.1666... = 1/10 + 6/90 = 9/90 + 6/90 = 15/90 = 5/30 = 1/6 Another example of this "mixed" non-recurring and recurring decimal: 0.41666... Two non-repeating digits (41) → 41/100 One repeating digit (6) → 6/900 (the one '9' as one repeating digit, two '0's as two non-repeating digits) → 0.41666... = 41/100 + 6/900 = 123/300 + 2/300 = 125/300 = 25/60 = 5/12 Another example of this "mixed" non-recurring and recurring decimal: 0.4181818... One non-repeating digit (4) → 4/10 Two repeating digits (18) → 18/990 (the two '9' as two repeating digits, one '0' as one non-repeating digit) → 0.4181818... = 4/10 + 18/990 = 44/110 + 2/110 = 46/110 = 23/55