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The crest?

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Q: What do you call the horizontal distance between the highest or lowest points of two successive waves?
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What is the relationship between the angle of elevation and the highest point?

If the base of the elevation is at a distance d from the observer, then the highest point is at a height = d*tan(angle of elevation)

A certain projectil is launched with an initial speed Vo At its highest poin its speed is Vo divided by 6 What was the launch angle?

(As usual when working with this subject, we'll assume zero air resistance.)When the projectile is launched, the horizontal component of its velocity is V0cos(A).At its highest point, its vertical speed is zero; all of its speed is horizontal,and equal to the horizontal speed it had coming out of the muzzle.V0/6 = V0cos(A)cos(A) = 1/6A = cos-1(1/6) = 80.4 degrees (rounded)

What is the difference between vertical and horizontal power sharing?

Horizontal Power sharing 1. Under the horizontal power sharing power is shared among different organs of government such as the legislature, executive and judiciary. 2. Under horizontal distribution of power, organs of the government are placed at the same level to exercise different powers. 3. Under horizontal each organ checks the other. Vertical Power sharing 1. Under the vertical sharing power, power is shared among the different levels of the governments. 2. The vertical division of power involves the highest and the lower levels of government. 3. Under vertical power sharing the lower organs work under the higher org.

What is the horizontal asymptote of an equation where the leading coefficient of the numerator is greater than that of the denominator?

The leading coefficient doesn't come into play unless certain exponent criteria are matched. I believe that to calculate where the horizontal asymptote is you need to concern yourself with the highest exponent and where it is located ie, the horizontal asymptote for y=(3t^2+5t)/(4t^2-3) is y=3/4

What is the quotient of the highest and lowest prime numbers between 1-100?

The highest prime between 1-100 is 97 the lowest prime between 1-10 is 2 97/2= 48.5

Related questions

What is the name of the distance between the highest point of the wave and the lowest is?

The wavelength is the horizontal distance between the crests or troughs of two successive waves.

What is the Difference between the crest and trough?

wave height. -- The highest point of a wave is known as its crest while the trough is the lowest point of the wave. Wavelength is the horizontal distance between successive crests or troughs. by: Claire O.

The distance between two successive peaks on a wave is its?

The distance between successive identical parts of a wave is called the wave length.

What term describes the distance between the crest to the trough of a wave?

It is called trough. The highest point is known to be crest. The distance between successive crests is known as wavelength of the wave. This is the most important characteristic of a wave. Same way the distance between any two successive troughs too is the wavelength.

What is Local Relief?

The vertical difference in elevation between the highest and lowest points of a land surface within a specified horizontal distance or in a limited area. Also known as relative relief.

The distance between the lowest and highest tones a voice or instrument can produce is called?

The distance between the lowest and highest tones a voice or instrument can produce is called "range."

What are the major parts of a wave?

The major parts of a wave are the crest (highest point of the wave), trough (lowest point of the wave), wavelength (distance between two successive crests or troughs), and amplitude (maximum displacement of a wave from its rest position).

What is the direction of oblique projectile at highest point?

At the highest point of its trajectory, the direction of an oblique projectile will be horizontal. This means that the projectile will momentarily have zero vertical velocity and only horizontal velocity.

What is it called when The Vertical Distance Between The Highest And Lowest Points Of A Wave?

The vertical distance between the highest and lowest points of a wave is called the amplitude. It represents the maximum displacement of any point on the wave from its equilibrium position.

How do you calculate gradient on a topographic map?

To calculate the gradient on a topographic map, you would divide the difference in elevation between two points by the horizontal distance between those points. This will give you the rate of change in elevation per unit of horizontal distance, expressed as a percentage or ratio.

The distance between the lowest and highest tones that a voice or instrument can produce is called?

piano piano or pp and ff forty forty is the highest

What is the term for the distances from the highest part of one wave to the highest part of the next wave?

Wavelength is the distance between two consecutive wave crests.