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Q: What do you call the imaginary horizontal lines on the globe?
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What do you call imaginary lines running parallel to the equator?

parallels or lines of latitude

What do we call the parallel lines that circle the globe?


What do you call the parllel lines hat circle the globe?


What do you call imaginary lines that separate states on a map?

State boundary lines State delimitation lines. State demarcation lines. shiter

What do you call the lines on a map or globe that meet at the north and south poles?

Meridians - or lines of longitude.

What do you call the vertical lines around the globe?

meridians or lines of longitude

When you turn on your TV the picture is blurred with many horizontal lines?

Call an engineer.

What do you call the horizontal lines on the map called?

Well, honey, those horizontal lines on a map are called latitude lines. They run parallel to the equator and help you figure out how far north or south a location is. So next time you're lost, just remember to follow those sassy latitudes!

What are the lines call on a US maps?

If you are looking at a globe, you will see the latitude and longitude lines evenly spaced. If it's not a globe, you may be looking at streets or boundaries between local governments.

What lines connect the North and South pole?

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What do you call the line in the center of the globe?

The line in the center of the globe is called the equator. It is an imaginary line that divides the Earth into the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere.

What do you call the imaginary lines along the top of the rocky mountains?

it is the Continental Divide, I'm positive 100%, hope you find this answer helpful!! ;-}