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Q: What do you call the lines which connect places in environment with the same altitude?
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Contour lines connect points with the same what?

Contour lines connect points with the same elevation or altitude. These lines are used on maps to help visualize the shape and elevation of the terrain.

What are lines on a map joining places of equal altitude?

Lines on a map joining places of equal altitude are called contour lines. These lines help depict the shape of the land surface by connecting points of the same elevation. Contour lines are useful for understanding the topography of an area and are commonly found on maps used for hiking, planning construction projects, or conducting geological surveys.

What are lines joining places with the same temperature on a weather map?

Lines joining places with the same temperature on a weather map are called isotherms. These lines help to visualize regions with similar temperatures and can be used to identify temperature patterns across a particular area or region.

The contour lines drawn on a 500 mb chart are lines of constant?

The contour lines on a 500 mb chart are lines of constant pressure at 500 millibars in the atmosphere. These lines connect points of equal pressure at that specific level, providing a visual representation of the pressure patterns in the upper atmosphere.

How do you connect 3 circles and 3 squares with 9 lines?

draw lines and connect them

Is an isobar line that connects places that have the same air temperature?

No, an isobar line connects places that have the same atmospheric pressure. Isotherm lines, on the other hand, connect places with the same air temperature.

What do contour lines measure?

Contour lines measure elevation or altitude. They connect points of equal elevation on a map, helping to visualize the shape and slope of the land. Closer contour lines indicate steeper terrain, while farther apart lines suggest flatter areas.

What are lines on a weather map than join places that have the same temp?

Isolines, specifically isotherms, are lines on a weather map that connect points of equal temperature. This helps to visualize temperature patterns and gradients across a geographic area.

What definition from perpendicular lines?

lines that connect forming a right angle

Does a diamond have parallel lines?

NO. A diamond does not have parallel lines. All the lines would eventually connect.

What do the numbers on index contour lines indicate?

The numbers of contour lines indicate altitude or elevation along that line.

How do you connect 25 dots using 8 lines?

Just connect the dots.