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Q: What do you call the mathematical statement that asserts the equality of two expressions?
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What is the different between equation and inequality?

An equation is a mathematical that asserts theequality of two expressions. An inequality is a relation that holds between two values when they are different.

What is the difference between inequalities and equations?

Equation: A statement that asserts that two mathematical expressions are equal in value. If this is true for all values of the variables involved then it is called an identity, and where it is only true for some values it is called a conditional equation. Inequality: A statement that uses the symbols > (greater than), < (less than), ≥ (greater than or equal to), ≤ ( less than or equal to) to indicate that one of the quantity is larger or smaller than another. An inequality holds for all values of the variables involved. If a statement that uses one of the symbols above holds only for some values of the variables involved then it is called an inequation. An inequality is comparable to an identity. If you'd want to put it into easier kid friendly words, an inequality is a statement where two sides of the inequality are not equal. Equations on the other hand, two sides should always be equal, no mater how messed up hard one side might look to you. Trust me I've been there.

What does Russell mean when he asserts that the value of philosphy is to be sought in its very uncertainty?

the meaning in context of the value philosophy is to be left in suspense so that it may never be figured out.

What are conditional connectives. Explain use of conditional connectives with an example?

Conditional ConnectivesThe statement `if p then q' is called a conditional statement and is written logically as p ! q.(This asserts that the truth of p guarantees the truth of q.)p ! q can also be read as `p implies q', where p is sometimes called the antecedent and qtheconsequent.Examples:p: It is raining.q: I get wet.p ! q: If it is raining, then I get wet.s: It is Sunday.w: I have to work today.s ! w: If it is Sunday, then I have to work today.»s ! w: If it is not Sunday, then I have to work today.s !»w: If it is Sunday, I do not have to work today.(s ^ p) !»w: If it is Sunday and it's raining, then I don't have to work today.To examine the truth or falsity of p ! q, suppose p and q are the following propositionsp: I win the lottery,q: I will buy you a car.Then p ! q is the statement `If I win the lottery, then I will buy you a car'.

What is the symmetry principle?

The Symmetry Principle asserts equal opportunity rather than basic equality. Robert Nozick argued in his book Anarchy, State, and Utopia (1974) that results are irrelevant to the idea of fair resource allocation - it is the fairness of the rules by which society operates that is important. He suggests two rules:1) Governments must recognise and protect private property2) Private property must be given from one party to another only when voluntarily done so.Under these rules the results will be fair, but not necessarily equal. The idea of symmetry therefore arises from the idea that an individuals' contribution to society/the economy will equal their compensation.

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What does the word equation?

it shows different type of element that used in compound or combine.

What is the different between equation and inequality?

An equation is a mathematical that asserts theequality of two expressions. An inequality is a relation that holds between two values when they are different.

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The energy equation is a fundamental principle in physics that represents the conservation of energy in a system. It states that the total energy of a system remains constant over time, with energy being transferred or converted from one form to another. This equation helps to analyze and understand how energy is distributed and transformed within a system.

What is inequality in algebric equation?

An inequality is similar to an equation, in that it compares two expressions. But in an equality, instead of an equal sign, you would usually use one out of the following inequality symbols:* less than * less than or equal * greater than * greater than or equal

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In microeconomics, a production function asserts that the maximum output of a technologically determined production process is a mathematical production of input factors of production.

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In microeconomics, a production function asserts that the maximum output of a technologically determined production process is a mathematical production of input factors of production.

What word is Equality trying to recapture on page 49 in Anthem by Ayn Rand?

On page 49 of Anthem, Equality is trying to recapture the word "I" which represents individual identity and self-worth, concepts that have been suppressed in the collectivist society depicted in the novel. By embracing the word "I," Equality asserts his own personhood and independence from the oppressive society.

What is proof by Converse?

Proof by Converse is a logical fallacy where one asserts that if the converse of a statement is true, then the original statement must also be true. However, this is not always the case as the converse of a statement may not always hold true even if the original statement is true. It is important to avoid this error in logical reasoning.

What is the function of a claim in a literary analysis?

In literature, a claim is a statement that asserts something to be true. A claim does not have to be factual, it can be the feelings of the author of the literary work.

What is the difference between inequalities and equations?

Equation: A statement that asserts that two mathematical expressions are equal in value. If this is true for all values of the variables involved then it is called an identity, and where it is only true for some values it is called a conditional equation. Inequality: A statement that uses the symbols > (greater than), < (less than), ≥ (greater than or equal to), ≤ ( less than or equal to) to indicate that one of the quantity is larger or smaller than another. An inequality holds for all values of the variables involved. If a statement that uses one of the symbols above holds only for some values of the variables involved then it is called an inequation. An inequality is comparable to an identity. If you'd want to put it into easier kid friendly words, an inequality is a statement where two sides of the inequality are not equal. Equations on the other hand, two sides should always be equal, no mater how messed up hard one side might look to you. Trust me I've been there.

What makes equality feel proud in the uncharted forest anthem?

In the anthem "The Uncharted Forest" by Equality 7-2521, equality feels proud because he has discovered his individuality and embraced his true self. He no longer conforms to the oppressive collectivist society and instead asserts his right to think and act independently. This newfound freedom and self-awareness make him proud of his identity and his defiance against the established norms.