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The Quotient

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Q: What do you call the number that is left over after one is divided into another number?
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What is the name of the amount left over when a number cannot be divided equally?

We call this left over number the remainder.

What is the number called that is left over after one number is divided into another number?

The remainder.

What is The number that is left after one whole number is divided by another?

The quotient is the number of times the second number goes intro the first and the remainder is what is left over.

When 44 divided by 5 equals 8 with 4 left over What do you call the 4?

The number 4 is called a remainder

What happens to the decimal point in a number when the number is divided by 10?

When you divide by ten the decimal point moves one place to the left.

What are Questions for remainders?

The answer depends on the level of mathematics you are at: from simple remainders left when one number is divided by another to the remainder theorem where is is the division of one polynomial by another.

What does remain mean in math?

Remain, or remainder, is the amount left over when one number is divided into another, but doesn't divide equally. For example, 25 divided by 6 is 4, with a remainder of 1.

What is The number left after a whole number is divided equally?

This number, which is left after a whole number is divided equally, is usually called the remainder. This number can be written as a whole number (6 R1), as a fraction (1/2 if you were dividing by 2 to begin with), as well as a number of other ways.

What do you call the number you have left after you subtract?

The "Difference"

What happens to the decimal place in a number if the number is divided by 100?

It moves two places to the left.

What happens to the decimal point in the number when the number is divided by 100?

It move two place to the left.

Is 388 odd?

No, any number that can be divided by 2 evenly (no fractions left over) is an even number