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The subtrahend.

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Q: What do you call the number we take away in a subtraction sentence?
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What do you call the top number in subtraction?

The minuend

What is the other name subtraction?

well at my primary school we used to call subtraction take away because you 'took away' some of the numbers. at my high school though we call it minus hope I've helped :)

What do you call a subtraction answer?

The answer you get when subtracting one number from another is called the "difference."

What do you call the solution to a subtraction problem?

In any subtraction sum, such as 8 - 3 = 5, the first number is the minuend, the second number is the subtrahend, and the third number, following the equals sign, is the difference.

What do you call the answer to a subtraction prolbem?

The answer to a subtraction problem is called the difference. It is called this, because when you are subtracting you are finding the difference between one number and another.

What do you call the answer to subtraction problem?

The answer in a subtraction problem is difference.

What do you call the things you subtract to get a difference?

In a subtraction sum, such as 8 - 3 = 5, the first number is called the minuend, and the second number is the subtrahend.

What do you call the answer in a subtraction problem?


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What do you call the numbers to a subtraction problem?

In subtraction, the minuend minus the subtrahend equals the difference.

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What do you call the numbers in a subtraction problem?

the number that is being subracted (4-5) the 5 is called a subtrahend and the other is a minuend.