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Q: What do you call the price of a overhead minus the selling price?
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Related questions

What the cost of orverheand minus the selling price?

The two values are not consistent and so it makes no sense to subtract one from the other. The selling price applies to a single unit that is produced whereas the cost of overheads (or orverheand - as you call them) apply to all the units produced during the time period for which the overheads are calculated.

Why is selling a call or put more risky than buying a call or put?

Selling calls or puts have unlimited risk, where as buying calls or puts have a maximum risk of 100%. For instance, selling a call gives you unlimited risk because there is no ceiling on how high the price can go. However buying a call has a maximum risk of 100% of the premium you pay, this happens if you let the option expire.

What do you call photographs taken from airplane or helicopters?

Most people call them aerial photographs. Intelligence officers call them "overhead" because in the spy business, aerial Photography is called "overhead coverage."

What do you call a car selling at half price?

A wheel deal, Suspicious, because you generally get what you pay for.

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Call your local Gamestop. Or check on eBay with their little tool that checks the value, average selling price, for your gamecube.

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What is put and call in Nifty?

Put options refers to an option of selling stock at a specific price on or before a certain date, similar to that of insurance policies. While, Call options are options to buy stock at a specified price on or before a certain date, similar to security deposits.

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Which- selling a naked put or a selling a naked call option- will cause an investor to experience the greatest potential of loss if a stock price fluctuates widely?

Selling a naked call. The reason is quite simple: if you sell this thing at $20 and the stock goes to $50, you are going to have to pull out $3000 (puts and calls are in 100-share lots) to buy some stock to satisfy the investor. Naked calls have unlimited risk. Puts have limited risk. If you look at the investment websites they claim selling puts exposes you to "unlimited risk." Not true. You can only lose the strike price minus the premium; if you sell a put on Acme with a strike price of $10, and the premium (which goes to you) is 50 cents, you can lose $9.50 per share but only if Acme goes out of business. OTOH, if Acme shoots up to $38 per share and stays there, the put won't exercise (because it would be more advantageous to the put's buyer to just put in a sell order with his broker) but you get to keep the premium.

What do you call an overhead train?

In Chicago they are referred to as El Trains (elevated trains).

What do you call the company achievement when turnover matches total overhead costs?


When do most soybean farmers call option for hedging?

Soybean farmers sell call options for hedging against Price Uncertainty and Harvest Uncertainty.Nothing destroys the income of soybean farmers more than a sudden price decline during harvest or a unexpected bad harvest. As such, selling call options to buyers guarantees the farmer against a sudden price decline and allows some income to be made even in a bad harvest.