Fractions such as 3/4 and 6/8 are known as equivalent fractions because they have the same numerical values.
like fraction
They are like fractions.
It is finding an equivalent fraction.
We don't call it "point two," we call it by it's fraction name, 2/10 (two tenths). This is a fraction that can be simplified since both 2 and 10 are divisible by 2. So, .2 is the same thing as 1/5.
You call the fraction irrefutably prime.
like fraction
They are like fractions.
a whole number
They are equivalent fractions.
It is finding an equivalent fraction.
We don't call it "point two," we call it by it's fraction name, 2/10 (two tenths). This is a fraction that can be simplified since both 2 and 10 are divisible by 2. So, .2 is the same thing as 1/5.
You call the fraction irrefutably prime.
1 whole eg. 5/5 = 1 whole
A unit fraction.
A unit fraction.
A ratio is the same as a fraction.
compound fraction