If there is no repeated numbers there is simply no mode. If there is two numbers that are the same, (example: 3,3) then that will be your mode. (Data: 3,3 Mode:3)
there is no mode for this set of numbers
then they are all considered modes
There is no mode so the answer is None
The "mode" in math terms is the most of a list of numbers. For example, you have this list of numbers: 9, 7, 8, 1, 2, 7, 3, and you want to find the mode of the list of numbers, you would look around for the most occurring number, which would be 7 because it happens twice. If you have something like these set of numbers: 8, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 9, 8, there are two numbers that are the mode. For the answer, you would put 2 and 8.
It is whatever number is repeated the most in that givin set of numbers, there can be no mode or multiple numbers considered as the mode.
If there is no repeated numbers there is simply no mode. If there is two numbers that are the same, (example: 3,3) then that will be your mode. (Data: 3,3 Mode:3)
Yes then it would be considered bimodal.
there is no mode for this set of numbers
the mode of a set amount of numbers is the number that is repeated the most, if you have two numbers then add them together and divide them by 2.
If there is no repeating numbers, then there is no mode, because there are no numbers that show up more than others. (:
Mode which is the most frequently occurring number in a group of numbers.So that,in this list of numbers, the mode is 4
The statistical mode of a set of numbers is the number(s) that occur the most times. There is no mode for a single number. If the set of numbers was 3, 4, 1, 3, 5, 2, for example, the mode is 3, since it occurs twice.
So you SHOULD have a few numbers (e.g, 5, 5, 7 and 2) and to get the mode you just find out which number you see the most! (so the mode of those numbers is 5)
then they are all considered modes
The modes is the number which occurs most often. The range is the biggest number - the smallest number. The only way to have a mode of 10 and a range of 8, is to have the two numbers be 10 and 2. The numbers are different so each is a mode and the range is 10-2-8. Note, 2 is also a mode in the set {2,10}.