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You treat it as normal.

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Q: What do you do if a number is outside the absolute value box?
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Why the absolute value of a number is always positive?

Well...If you had a cardboard box how would you feel? Just think about other people's feeling for once. Absolute means "if your number is negative, drop the negative sign because we are only interested in size, or magnitude"

What is a graph for absolute value?

Go to the Wolfram Alpha site and type the following in the input box: |x|

How do you check devision?

Multiply the quotient (answer) by the divisor (the number outside the box) and your answer should be the dividend (the number inside the box).

Dividend what does it mean?

In the equation, it's the answer inside the "box". The divisor is the number outside the "box".

Do you supposed to divide if the answer is bigger than the number outside the box?

of course you do!

What is the number called that is outside the box in a division problem?

the quotient

What is a 1966 Winchester Centennial box worth. All I have is just the colorful outside sleeve with all the nice pictures on it. So looking for value of just box and a buyer?

The value is what you can get for it.I feel that the value is undetermined.I would list your box on gunbroker.comm.and see what it brings.

How can you see the motherboard serial number?

Check the box or the invoice. It should be pasted outside of the box or it should be written on the invoice.

What is the value of 1966 Winchester bicentennial rifle in box serial number under 10000?

If your winchester centennial rifle is unfired(new in the box) with the box and tags,its value is 675 dollars.

What is the value of a Tammany money box?

The value of a Tammany money box is dependent upon a number of factors. Some of those factors include the age and condition.

If you were in a box how would you think outside it?

Climb outside the box. o.O

When dividing how do you know which number goes outside the box thing?

the first number like if the question is (5) first number/10 __ 5|10