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Q: What do you do to the perinium so it can ejacuale?
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you perinium face

What is the difference between implantation cramping and menustration cramping?

Implantation cramoing is more in the upper perinium and the menstrual cramping is more in the perinial area.

What does it mean if a child's perinium is torn?

If a child's perineum is torn, it usually indicates a tear or injury to the tissue between the anus and the genitals. This can occur during childbirth or due to trauma. Medical evaluation and treatment may be necessary to ensure proper healing and prevent complications.

Is there any relation between vagina and labia minora?

Yes, the labia minora are part of the external female genitalia and are located within the vaginal opening. They help protect the vaginal opening and provide sensitivity and lubrication during sexual activity.

Who developed the workstation?

Sidney brownhole was the first person to create the workstation in 1968 with his version of the maccle app. It was a very basic workstation with just 1kb of ram and a 20 perinium hardrive. This was basically used for math equations and gave most people a headache due to the smell of plastic dolls feet. Shortly after this came the donkey, a great invention to help people get home from the pub when they had had too much to drink. The donkey came on in leaps and bounds and eventually in 2013 replaced the car.

With staphylococcus aureus what is the primary reservoir?

In the medical community human skin is commonly considered the reservoir for S. aureus. More specifically, in the infection control community the most common place to find S. aureus and MRSA are the nares and perinium - that's the first place we sample for culture swabs. That being said, humans aren't the only reservoirs for S. aureus, it's also been found in herd animals.

What factors can reduce the amount of sperm a man produces?

Poor feeding, disease and exposure to toxic elements.Emotional stress- Stress may interfere with the hormone GnRH.Testicular exposure to over heating - Like hot tubs, high fever etc.Smoking- Reduces the sperm motility, sperm life span.Malnutrition- Not enough of nutrition especiallly like vitamine c. zinc, selenium and folate.Bicycling- Pressure from the bike seat may damage the blood vessels and nerves that are responsible for erections. Mountain biking, exposes the perinium [between the scortum and the anus] to more extreme shock and vibrations and increase the injuries to the scortum.Cystic Fibrosis- Missing or obstructed vas deferens.Exposure to heavy metals like lead, cadmium, arsenic.Disorders like Klinefelter syndrome, Kartagener syndrome, varicole etc.

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I love you Justin so much Do you have a girl friend .I thick so do you love me too you are the best one ever could you come by me wish you could come I like you too I miss you so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much I miss you so much I wish I could see you love veronica

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so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so

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this is me nat wolff no lie i love kaniah not rosalina i mit have grown up with her but she is unglyer then when we pull luckys checks ROSALINA YOU ARE SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO UNGLEY LOVE YOU KANIAH SO MUCH

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spring oh that was so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so hard to answer honestly i dunno i think its spring