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Q: What do you do when exiting a traffic circle?
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Who is at fault if one vehicle entering a parking lot from traffic hits another vehicle exiting a parking space?

The vehicle exiting the parking space that did not yield to oncoming traffic.

What is the french slang for traffic circle?

A traffic circle is un rond-point.

exiting a alley onto a street is not a intersection, so do you need to signal turning the same way traffic is intended to go exiting a alleyway onto a one way street?

Yes I think

When you arrive at a traffic circle you should?

Follow the road laws of the country that you are in. In some countries the traffic already in the circle has priority. In others, traffic entering the circle has priority. Very clearly a recipe for disaster if you forget which country with which rules you are in!

Can you get a ticket if you have the right of way and a car exiting a driveway hits me?

In all 50 states, the vehicle exiting a drive way has to yield the right of the way to all on coming traffic. In this case, you should not be cited.

What constitutes The Circle in Chicago as heard in traffic reports?

The Circle is the Interstate Highway intersection of 90, 94, and 290 which is a major traffic bottleneck.

Who is at fault in a collision between a car on the roadway reversing and one exiting a parking lot?

In Kentucky, the vehicle on the main roadway has the right-of-way, regardless of direction. The person exiting the parking lot, must yield to traffic!

If you are alone in heavy expressway traffic at rush hour use the to avoid vehicles constantly entering and exiting in your path?

Center lane.

If you are alone in heavy expressway traffic at rush hour use the to avoid vehicles constantly entering and exiting in your pat?

Center line

What is ramp control?

Ramp control is a traffic management strategy that involves controlling the flow of vehicles entering or exiting a highway by adjusting ramp metering signals. This helps to regulate traffic volume, reduce congestion, and improve overall traffic flow on the highway.

If you are alone in heavy expressway traffic at rush hour what lane should you use to avoid vehicles constantly entering and exiting your path?

This is purely an opinion question. It's like asking which supermarket checkout line you should choose. You can choose any traffic lane you wish so long as it is not a marked HOV lane.

What is the purpose of through lanes on an interchange?

Some traffic will always be through-traffic. A "thru lane" keeps those folks moving at a constant speed, while other lanes handle the craziness of exiting and merging.