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Q: What do you do when subtracting absolute value integers?
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How would you tell someone how to find the sign of the answer when subtracting integers?

The answer has the sign of the number which has the greater absolute value.

How is subtracting a negative integer related to its absolute value and addition?

Subtracting a negative integer is the same as adding its absolute value.

How many integers have an absolute value of 15?

Two. +15 and -15 are the only integers with an absolute value of 15.

What is absolute value minus absolute value?

Zero. The absolute value |n| is positive for any real number. Subtracting it from itself is zero.

What are the rules for adding and subtracting numbers?

-You must memorize -To add 2 integers with different signs, find the difference of their absolute value -To subtract an integer, add it's opposite

When adding 2 integers will the answer be positive?

When adding two integers, the answer will be positive if both integers are positive, or if one is negative but its absolute value is smaller than the absolute value of the positive integer.

What do integers and absolute value have to do with each other?

The absolute value of an integer is the value of the integer without regard to its sign. The absolute value need not be an integer.

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If a segment is you can find the distance by subtracting the y coordinates and taking the absolute value?


Do only integers have absolute value?

No. Absolute value applies to the set of real numbers.

What is the connection between absolute value and integers?

None. Integers can be negative, absolute values cannot. Absiolute values can be rational or irrational fractions, integers cannot.

How many integers have a absolute value of 10?

Two of them.