Three times, and once for 'grandmother's'.
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In the King James versionthe word - grandmother - appears once2 Tim 1:5 When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.
A horse's grandmother is called a "great-granddam" or "great-grandmare."
Sheldon's grandmother called him Moonpie.
Your grandmother's mother would be your great-grandmother.
Your father's maternal grandmother is your great-grandmother.
In Twilight, Bella Swans Grandmother is called Gran.
Grandfather is called Daada and Grandmother is called Daadi
Three times, and once for 'grandmother's'.
In Malayalam, grandmother is called "ammachi" or "achamma".
In Tamil, grandmother is called "பாட்டி" (Paati).
Paternal grandmother. Paternal = of the father, maternal = of the mother.
In Greek, "Grandmother" is called "γιαγιά" (yiayia) and "Grandfather" is called "παππούς" (pappous).
"Grandmother" in Tamil is called "பாட்டி" (Paatti).