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Q: What do you do when you have two different numbers in Quartile 3?
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What is a 5- number summary?

A Five number summary is the minimum, quartile 1, median, quartile 3, and maximum of the data. (numbers)

What is the Definition of lower quartile?

in a set as such {2,3,4,5,6,7,8,}, 5 would be the median, 7 would be the upper quartile, and 3 would be the lower quartile. The lower quartile divides the lower half of a set of data into two equal parts

How many different prime numbers are in 21?

There are two different numbers. 3 and 7

How do you find the inter quartile?

interquartile range is upper quartile (or quartile 3) minus lower quartial ( or quartial 1 ) For example the quartile 3 is 165 and the quartile 1 is 125. The interquartile range is 40. You can go online and see pages. Thank you

How do you determine the lowest quartile of a series of numbers?

Rank them from highest to lowest. The lowest 25 percent of them represent the bottom quartile. Let's say you have the following data set: 1, 8, 2, 7, 3, 6, 4, 5 Rank them thus: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Twenty-five percent of eight (the number of data points) is two. Therefore, the bottom two data points (1 and 2) represent the bottom quartile.

How is the interquartile range calculated?

Find the difference between the values for quartile 3 and quartile 1.

How is interquartile range calculated?

Find the difference between the values for quartile 3 and quartile 1.

What is the upper quartile of 11122222222333333345?


How do you do interquartile range step by step?

Step 1: Find the upper quartile, Q3.Step 2: Find the lower quartile: Q1.Step 3: Calculate IQR = Q3 - Q1.Step 1: Find the upper quartile, Q3.Step 2: Find the lower quartile: Q1.Step 3: Calculate IQR = Q3 - Q1.Step 1: Find the upper quartile, Q3.Step 2: Find the lower quartile: Q1.Step 3: Calculate IQR = Q3 - Q1.Step 1: Find the upper quartile, Q3.Step 2: Find the lower quartile: Q1.Step 3: Calculate IQR = Q3 - Q1.

What are two different numbers that have exactly 3 factors?

4 and 9

What are two different numbers with the same absolute value?

-3 and 3 Both |-3| and |3| equal 3.

How do you calculate upper quartile in Excel?

Use the QUARTILE function, specifying the data you want in an array, and use 3 to represent the upper quartile. Say your data is in the cells from A5 to A30, you would do it as follows: =QUARTILE(A5:A30,3)