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Depends how old you are and many other things.

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Q: What do you do when you like a 10 year old boy?
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How do you know if a 10 year old boy like a 10 year old girl?

because they talk about them

It is wrong for a 10 year old girl to like a 12 or 13 year old boy?

It is very natural for 10 year old girls to like boys.

How do you get a 10 year old boy to like a 10 year old girl?

teach them how to kiss eath other and they will like each other

Can I give a gift basket to a 10 year old boy?

A 10 year old boy would love a gift basket, especially a theme one like pokemon and spongebob.

Will Hannah Montana be willing to date a 10 year old boy like me?

Sorry son, she has a steady boy friend. No, Hannah can't date a 10 year old boy she has a boyfreind Hannah Montana can't marry you

How can you make a 10 year old boy fancy a 10 year old boy?

You cant 'make' someone like another person. It all depends on how they feel, nobody can and should force you to do anything.

Is it wrong for an 11 year old girl to like a 10 year old boy?

No its okay as long as they don't go to service

How does an 11 year old girl kiss a 10 year old boy on the mouth?

That would depend on the 11 year old girl and the 10 year old boy. There is many different ways of kissing

Is it bad for a 12 year old boy to like a 10 year old girl?

Not at all kid. It's a natural thing. Be nice to her!

Do 11 year old like 10 year old?

Depends whether they are tom-boy or girly-girl. Find that out and find something for that.

What do you do when a 10 year old boy likes you?

ok, this is easy if you like him just tell him it is that easy.

What should you get for your 10 year old boy friend for valentines day?

I'm a 10 year old boy. If it was me, I wouldn't expect much from a girl, especially if they're just a practical schoolmate The least I'd get from them is like... a bun with hearts on? Something like that!