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7 feet 8 inches

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Q: What do you get if you add 3 feet 6 inches to 4 feet 2 inches?
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6 feet 5 inches plus 3 feet 9 inches?

Add your inches together first. 5 plus 9 equals 14. There are 12 inches in a foot so 14 inches is the same as 1 foot 2 inches. Now add 6 feet plus 3 feet plus 1 foot and you get 10 feet. Add the 2 inches and you have 10 feet 2 inches. 10ft 2in

Convert 2 feet 3 inches to inches?

2 feet 3 inches is a total of 27 inches. Since there are 12 inches in a foot, you first multiply 2 by 12 to get 24. Then you just have to add the other 3 inches for a total of 27 inches.

3 feet 2 inches equals how many inches?

3 feet 2 inches is equivalent to 38 inches. To convert feet to inches, multiply the number of feet by 12 and then add the number of inches. In this case, 3 feet is 36 inches, and adding 2 inches gives a total of 38 inches.

What is the perimeter for 5 feet 8 inches 7 feet 8 inches10 feet 3 inches 7 feet 5 inches and 7 feet 11 inches?

add all the feet up and it is 36 feet add all the inches up and it is 35 inches but you have to divide the inches to get the feet so divide 35 by 12 which 12 goes into 35 twice so 12 times 2 is 24 and then you take 24 from 35 and you get 11 so the 35 inches turned into feet are 2 feet 11 inches and you add the feet up so it looks like this 36+2=38 feet and 11 inches all you do is add to get perimeter

How mant feet and inches are in 38 inches'?

There are 12 inches in every 1 foot. So in 38 inches there are: 38/12 = 3 feet and an additional 2 inches. Answer: 3 feet and 2 inches. 3 feet and 2 inches

How many inches are there in 2 feet 3 inches?

There are 27 total inches in 2 feet and 3 inches.

How many inches in 3 feet 2 inches?

1 foot = 12 inches 3*12 (inches in a foot) = 36 inches (in 3 feet) 36+2=38 3 feet, 2 inches = 38 inches.

How long is 2-6 to -3-4?

Do you mean 2 feet 6 inches to 3 feet 4 inches? 2 feet 6 inches is 30 inches, and 3 feet 4 inches is 40 inches. So the answer is 10 inches.

How do you convert 3 feet 6 inches into inches?

Convert the feet to inches, then add the additional inches. 3 * 12 in/ft = 36 in + 6 in = 42 in

How many inches is 2 feet 3 inches?

2 yards plus 3 feet is 3 yards is 198 inches

What is 3 feet 2 inches?

3 feet 2 inches is equivalent to 96.5 centimeters.

3 feet and 7 inches plus 2 feet and 8 inches?

Answer: 6 feet and 3 inches.