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A phone-call from a public opinion survey of 313 people

randomly selected around the USA.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

20 tosses of a fair coin, each one resulting in heads.

This is not the same as a string of 20 consecutive heads in a longer sequence of tosses.

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Q: What do you have one in a million chances of experiencing?
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What do you have a one in a million chance at experiencing?

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The phrase "a million to one" is a way of expressing extreme rarity or improbability. It implies that the chances of something happening are very low, with only a one in a million chance of occurring.

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One way to effectively take prednisone without experiencing its taste is to swallow the pill whole with a full glass of water, without chewing or breaking it. This can help minimize the chances of tasting the medication.

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