you get 20% if you get 1 out of 5 questions.
If you miss five questions out of 30, your score is a 83.33%
To get seventy percent or better on a quiz of 16 questions one needs 11.2 answers correctly answered. So it is best not to miss 4 but definitely not to miss 5 or more. This answer is arrived at by taking the 16 questions and multiplying by .70 (70 percent) or 16 x .70 = 11.2.
25 questions and u can only miss 5
Your score is the part of the test where you supplied correct answers.On a test with 25 questions, if you missed 5, you answered (25 - 5) = 20 correctly.If every questions was worth the same credit, then your score is 20/25 = 80% .I'm hoping fervently that it wasn't a math test.
105 out of 150 is 70%. U can miss 45 questions for a 70%.
4-5 since ea about 5%
Missed 5 questions out of 25 questions what is your grade? 📷Answer
4 out of 5 or 80%
5 of them.
You get a 90 as a score when you miss 2 out of 20 questions because each question is worth 5 points.
you get 20% if you get 1 out of 5 questions.