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Q: What do you mean by active variable explain with example?
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The adapter method is when you create a class which wraps around another (holding that other class as a variable). The adapter class then responds to calls by calling the methods of the held variable.

What does Variables mean for a science project?

A variable means that something that you can change, measure, or keep the same. Example: Responding variable: The variable you can measure. Controlled variable: The variable you keep the same. Manipulated variable: The variable that you change.

What is that mean excitement?

A variable that causes change in the output of a system. In a RC circuit, for example, the input V is the excitation variable

Is the year the house was built an example of a continuous variable?

What is a CONTINUOUS VARIABLE?!? If you mean a CONSTANT, then yes. Read your text. (signed) Your Teacher

What does '8n' mean?

Well, 8 is 8 and n is a variable. The variable can be any number. for example if your variable was 7. 8 times 7 is 56 so 8n is 56

What does ceofficent mean in math terms?

the number with the variable. For example, in 6x, the coefficient is 6.

What is pointer variable explaine?

If you mean example, then it is argv, which is the second parameter of function main.

What does independent variable mean in math?

An independent variable is exactly what it sounds like. It is a variable that stands alone and isn't changed by the other variables you are trying to measure. For example, someone's age might be an independent variable.

What do you mean by recursive function explain with suitable example?

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What does cost variable mean?

Variable cost is the cost which varies as variation in production units For example if 10 units produce variable cost = 100 if 100 units produce variable cost =1000 so per unit variable cost = 10

What variable motion mean?

A variable motion is a motion that changes over time example bus picking up kids and driving through a neighborhood to school.