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By finding a pattern the first time you solve a problem, then applying this pattern (algorithm) to solve similar problems.

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Q: What do you mean by finding a pattern in problem solving strategy?
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What does problem solving means?

Finding the answer.

What problem solving mean?

Finding the answer.

What step in the three step problem solving approach ia a problem solving strategy developed?

step three

How many kind of problem solving strategies are they?

There are generally four types of problem solving strategies: trial and error, algorithmic, heuristic, and insight-based. Each strategy involves a different approach to finding solutions to problems.

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The Socratic Method.

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Solving a problem involves finding missing information or identifying the root cause of the issue. It requires critical thinking and problem-solving skills to come up with a solution that addresses the problem effectively.

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What are the fundamental ways to address?

There are three fundamental ways to address a problem: by solving it, by mitigating its impact, or by accepting and adapting to it. Solving the problem involves finding a solution that completely resolves the issue. Mitigating the impact involves reducing the negative consequences of the problem. Accepting and adapting to the problem involves shifting perspective and finding ways to work around or incorporate the problem into one's life or strategy.

What does the term collaborative problem solving refer to?

Collaborative problem solving is a way of finding solutions to problems. In this kind of problem solving individuals come together to find a solution that is acceptable to them both.

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IDEAL problem solving is a successful strategy that has been tested and proven. IDEAL stands for Identify, Define, Explore, Act and Look.

What is problem solving in life?

Problem solving consists of using generic or ad hoc methods, in an orderly manner, for finding solutions to problems.

What can increase the chances of a problem solving team finding the best solution to a problem?

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