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Sensex is a designation given to the Bombay Exchange Sensitive Index. This is a stock exchange in Bombay that is similar to the one in New York City.

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Why sensex is used?

SensexWhat Does Sensex Mean?An abbreviation of the Bombay Exchange Sensitive Index (Sensex) - the benchmark index of the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). It is composed of 30 of the largest and most actively traded stocks on the BSE. Initially compiled in 1986, the Sensex is the oldest stock index in India.

What is the abbreviation of the word SENSEX?

There is no abbreviation for SENSEX

How sensex affects the Indian economy?

sensex doesnt affects economy but economy affects sensex

How the bse sensex is calculated?

by sensex system calculation

What is the full form of 'SENSEX'?


Who coined the term sensex?

Sensex term was coined by Deepak Mohoni

Who are regulators of sensex?

Securities & Exchanges Board of India - SEBI regulates the Sensex

How to compute residual variance of RIL and Sensex?

Variance is variability and diversity of security from average mean and expected value Variance = standard deviation fo security * co relation (r) devided by standanrd deviation of sensex

What is sensex how is it measured?

-SENSEX - The Barometer of Indian Capital Markets

How can you understand the ups and downs of sensex?

SENSEX is an index of 30 companies listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange. SENSEX has been the main measure of the health of the Indiana stock market.

What does sensex mean in share?

The BSE Index or the Sensex as it is popularly known, is the index of the performance of the 30 largest & most profitable, popular companies listed in the index. Each company that is part of the index has its own weightage in the value of the Index

What was the highest share price on sensex?

L&T at one time was the highest priced share listed at sensex