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squaring a number is when you times it by itself. eg. 2x2 or 5x5

cubing a number is when you times it by itself and then times it again. eg. 2x2x2 or 5x5x5

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Q: What do you mean by squaring a number and cubing a number?
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Squaring. Doubling is only multiplying a number by 2, whereas, squaring is multiplying a number by itself :)

What does squaring the number mean?

Squaring a number in math is basicly multiplying a number by itself such as... 3^2= 3*3=9 or 3^3=3*3*3=27 ^= the squared number *= multiplication I hope this information was useful.

What is it called when raising a number to the second power?

Taking a number to the second power is known as "squaring" the number.

Why is raising the number to the second power called squaring the number?

That's because you are multiplying it by itself. So "two, squared' means the same as 'two times two', and 'three, squared' means the same as 'three times three'. Multiplying a number by itself is exactly the same process of finding the area of a square who's dimensions are the number in question. Therefore multiplying a number by itself is known as squaring. For the same reason of raising a number to the third power is known as cubing. (Because its the same process you would use to find the volume of a cube.)

What is raising the number to the third power called?

It is loosely called "cubing" the number.

What r you doing when you square a number?

Squaring a number means multiplying it by itself. For example, squaring the number 5 means multiplying 5 x 5.

How do you tell the difference between scientific notation and squaring?

Squaring is a number raised to the power of two. Scientific notation is a number multiplied by 10 to the power of a number.

What is To multilply a number by itself?

Squaring a number (x)2

What exponent is used for squaring a number?


To multipy a number by itself is called what?


How is squaring a number different from the square root of a number?

squaring a number is when you times it by itself the square root of a number is the actual base number e.g the square root of 49 is 7 and 7x7=49