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Cycles per second (CPS) unless you are dealing with electrical, electro-magnetic, and electronic issues, in which case the 'vibrations' are measured in Hertz (Hz). The word is capitalized because its name comes from a person's name.

The unit, "Hertz" is often mistakenly used when CPS is the correct unit.

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Q: What do you measure the number of vibrations per second in?
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Related questions

What do you call the number of vibrations per second?

The number of vibrations per second is called frequency. It is measured in hertz (Hz).

What is the term for number of vibrations per second?

Hertz are used to measure cycles per second. Sound is measured in hertz. I hope I understood the question.

What do you call the measure of nunber of vibrations per second?

That's their frequency .

When you make the note lower what do you change?

The frequency - that is, the number of vibrations per second. Lower notes have less vibrations per second.

What is the number of vibrations per seconds?

The number of vibrations per second is known as the frequency and is measured in Hertz (Hz). One vibration per second is equivalent to one Hertz.

The number of vibration per second is called?

The number of vibrations per second is called frequency.

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In a wave which of these is the number of vibrations per second?

The number of periods per unit time is called the linear (or ordinary) frequency. Specifically periods per second has a special name that is "hertz."

The frequency of a sound wave is interpreted as what?

The frequency of a sound wave is interpreted as pitch, with higher frequencies producing higher pitch sounds and lower frequencies producing lower pitch sounds. This is because frequency is a measure of how many vibrations occur per second in the wave.

What is the unit of measure for the frequency of a sound wave?

The unit of measure for the frequency of a sound wave is hertz (Hz), which represents the number of cycles or vibrations per second.

What is the measure of how fast particles are vibrating is?

The measure of how fast particles are vibrating is called frequency. Frequency is typically measured in hertz (Hz), which represents the number of vibrations per second.

How many vibrations are in 150 hertz?

In 1 second, there are 150 vibrations in a 150 Hz frequency since hertz represents the number of cycles per second in a periodic wave.