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When you know the circle's radius (r):

pi X r2

When you know the circle's diameter (d):

pi X (d/2)2

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Q: What do you multiply to find the area of a circle?
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How to find area of a circle?

you take the radius and multiply it by itself. then you multiply the radius squared by 3.14 to get the area of a circle...

What is the circumference and area of a circle that has a radius of 4?

To find the circumference of a circle then multiply pi (3.14159265...) by the diameter of the circle. To find the area then multiply pi by the radius squared.

How do you easily find the area and the circumference of a circle?

Area- square the radius of the circle and multiply it by pi Circm.- multiply the radius by 2 and then multiply that number by pi

How do you figure out the diameter of area of a cricle?

To find the area of a circle, you multiply the radius by itself [squared] and then you multiply their product by pi. To find the diameter of circle, you can a)Multiply the radius by two b) Divide the area by pi, find the square root of that product and then multiply it by two.

To find the area of a sector you multiply the area of the circle by the fraction of the circle covered by that sector?

That would certainly do it.

How do you find the area of a quarter circle?

You find the area of the entire circle (pi x radius^2), and then multiply it by 1/4 or 0.25.

How do you find the area of a circle when the only information you have is the circumference?

Area of a circle is: A=π*r2 and r=circumference/2. Find 1/2 of the circumference and square it (multiply by same number), then multiply by pi.

Why do you find the area of a circle with pi times the radius squared?

You find the area of a circle with pi times radius squared because the radius is half the circle so to find the full area you need to multiply it again.

How would you find the area of a circle?

To find the area of a circle, here is the formula: A=Pi r2 To find area, you must square the radius and multiply it by pi. If it gives you the diameter, not the radius, divide the diameter by 2, that gives you the radius, then square it and multiply by pi.

How do you find the diameter of the circle if you have the area and radius?

All you have to do is multiply the radius by 2.

To find the area of a sector you multiply the area of the circle by the measure of the arc determined by the sector?

Area of sector/Area of circle = Angle of sector/360o Area of sector = (Area of circle*Angle of sector)/360o

What is the area of the semi-circle above?

to find the area of a semi circle measure the length of the straight edge, divide by 2, square it and multiply by pi. This will give you the area of the circle. To get the area of the semi-circle divide your answer by 2