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Q: What do you need to know to cover a square?
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A square is 10x10 but now you need to know how many bundles it takes to do a square and that I'm not sure about

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I need to know how thick the layer of gravel is meant to be.

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You need to know the dimensions and the mass of each piece.

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You will need 3.5 square yards of material to cover 32 square feet.

How many 4X8 sheets of Plywood do you need to cover a room 27x27?

27 x 27 = 729 square feet 4 x 8 = 32 square feet You need 22.79 sheets to cover the floor OR the ceiling. If you intend to cover any walls, then in order to help you with THAT bill of materials, we would need to know the floor-to-ceiling height.

How big is a square mile of ants?

one square mile. If you meant, How many ants it would take to cover a square mile?; I'd need to know the size of the ants. They come in different sizes.

How many 18 x 18 inch tiles do I need to cover 150 square feet?

You will need at least 67 tiles. This will cover 150.75 square feet.

How many boxes of tile to cover an 11x16 square foot area each tile covers 25 square feet?

If your tiles are really 25 square feet, you will need 7 of them to cover that area. Might as well get 8 to be safe. I don't know how many are in a box.

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This question can not be answered because we need to know the other dimension of the bricks (16 by ??)

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How much cement is needed to cover 192 square feet of area

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You will need 988 square feet of linoleum.

How many sq feet of 12x24 tile do you need to cover a floor that is 8ftx8ft?

Each tile will cover 2 square feet. You have 64 square feet. You will need 32 tiles.