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Q: What do you sit down and have a meal at a table?
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Why do you have to sit down and eat a meal at a table?

It helps with digestion and is a family time.

What is another word to sit down and eat a meal at a table?

i think it could be dine but i'm not 100% sure though

What is To sit down and eat a meal at a table called?

I don't know if it's correct but I think it's DINE. Try to copy this answer.

Where does one sit when eating a meal?

Where one sits when eating a meal depends on where they are. If they are at home, they can sit at the dining room table, or on the couch.

What does the term crumbing mean?

It is to remove crumbs from the table. Such as "The waiter crumbed the table."

What do you do at 1200 am?

Sit down to eat my noon meal.

What place to sit down?


What are sit downs?

a sit down (noun) means: # An invigilated examination (as opposed to a takeaway paper). # Colloquially, a sit down meal, by contrast with a takeaway.

What is a four letter word and means to sit at a table and eat a meal and starts with d?

dine !! :D

To sit down and eat a meal at a table?

This is not a proper question, but given the category in which it is sorted I will give it a go. Studies have shown that people eat less if they sit down and enjoy their meal instead of eating on the go or in front of the tv. In front of the tv you usually do not realize when you are full, and on the go you eat so quickly that you often end up eating more than you need. Perhaps you might even choose a healthier meal when you sit at a table, as food prepared at home often are more nutritious and lower in calories. If your thinking of the binweevils crossword, I dunno. -You mean the word for it tho'

Is this a command sentence (Come and sit down while we prepare the meal.)?


How do you spell sitedown?

The likely word is the slang adjective "sitdown" (a social meeting, or meal) The hyphenated phrase "sit-down" is a work stoppage in place, as in "sit-down strike" or "sit-in."