

What do you think about values?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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Q: What do you think about values?
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I think keeping your word.

Who is the Greek goddess of values?

i dont think there is one

What is a system of beliefs and values?

i think that that would be phlosphy

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i think it is wrong, and it can break up a family.

Does America have values?

Of course! I think every place in the world does.

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to solve mising values you must look at the answer first.Then, you can try to fill in the blanks with numbers that you think will work.

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It means they think the same way.

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What are the types of value?

There are Personal values (Those things you think are important), Societal values (those things everyone in general agree are important) and Biblical or religious values (those values that have an ultimate foundation in the Bible or in a particular religious system of beliefs). One that's constantly referred to nowadays is Family values. There are also Work, Education, and Advancement values, which tend to get lumped in between personal values and societal values..