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Q: What do you think has AA greater effect on the consumer price index a 10 percent increase in the price of chicken or a 10 percent of caviar.why?
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What do you think has a greater effect on the consumer price index a 10 percent increase in chicken or a 10 percent increase in caviar?

Chicken. Most people do not buy caviar. So the total amount spent on chicken is much greater than the total spent on caviar (even though caviar is more expensive). Therefore, in terms of the basket of consumer shopping, chicken is much more important had has more weight in the price index. This means an increase in the price of chicken will have a much greater impact on the index as the same percentage increase on caviar.

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Provided people with abundent work force and also created greater demands for the consumer goods manufactered by factories

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If the number of producers increases, it could lead to more choices and competition in the market for consumers. This may result in lower prices, better quality products, and improved customer service as producers compete for consumer attention. Consumers may benefit from increased variety and potentially lower prices.

What are the levels of classification for a greater prairie chicken?

The greater prairie chicken belongs to the following levels of classification: Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Aves Order: Galliformes Family: Phasianidae Genus: Tympanuchus Species: T. cupido Subspecies (if specified): T. c. pinnatus, for the greater prairie chicken.

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Increase in productivity

What bird is in the movie paperman?

It's the North American Heath Hen, related to the Greater Prairie Chicken, but not an actual chicken.

How tall is the greater prairie chicken?

The greater prairie chicken stands around 14-18 inches tall.

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Greater levels of iinvestment

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The price will decrease until the supply decreases or the consumer wants more of it.

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Greater levels of investment

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How does greater prairie-chicken survive in the grassland?

they definitely eat worms or producers