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It seems that technology will still be here I mean that we will still have cities, even though it would be very hot, we can stand heat. It's obvious that teleportation and time travel will be here, but the galaxy will be colonized as well as planets like Mars which might be terraformed.

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Q: What do you think of future 3000 years from now?
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What will you be 10 years from now?

i think 10 years from now i will have my own family and have a stable job.

What can vary in the length of time?

You can. Some years ago you were a baby, now you are not, some years in the future you will be old, etc.

Will you be alive in the year 3000?

None of us living now will not

What is life going to be like in 700 years?

No one really knows what life will be like in 700 years but the majority of people will vote and say that the technology will be better because of all the new technology items coming out now a days! That is a good answer because it makes sense if you think about it. Plus out of one-hundred people about 77% said the technology will be better in about 700 years from now. Also, about 56% of people said the economy will be worse in about 700 years from now. And, if you think about that answer too, that makes sense too, because the economy is most likely going to be worse in the future...based on what we have now. Unfortunately, we won't be around in 700 years to really find out how life will be, but these are really reasonable answers.

What Albert Einstein did mean by this quote You never Think of the Future - It comes soon enough?

I guess he had a perception & may be he is right from that perception .. his perception (I percieve) that we are at the present & all depends on what we doing now which will allow us to live the future & there is no point we forget living the present which soon will become past .. this does not mean what we think today doesn't include planning for the future .. relative to the present, the future is an illusion & not reality.