when i hear least common denominator i think of the word fraction
If you mean part of whole numbers, its fractions. If you just mean another word for whole numbers, i think its just...whole numbers.
The word 'numbers' can be abbreviated to 'nos' eg. no.7
Another word for numbers is 'figures', or 'numerals'.
well let's see, 1x1=1 so one of the two numbers whose product is one. =========================== I think you are looking for the word "reciprocal."
Most people probably think of colors, pleasant odors, and beauty when they hear the word "flowers."
I think of acting and dialouge
when i hear least common denominator i think of the word fraction
a spear
I immediately think of a car crash.
I don't think there is a word for that
Star Trek
Respect, celebration, empathy
I think its for free
Its a perosn that does good things
I think of the road accidents that happen due to careless driving.