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Q: What do you think the footage of the smiling soldiers was used for?
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What is the square footage of 283 x 95?

It depends on the units used for 283 and 95. Inches, centimetres, miles, ...

How do you measure square footage of sides of a pool?

Total square footage of the sides of a pool = perimeter*depth.If the depth is not uniform but has a constant gradient, then average depth can be used instead.For other depth profiles, the calculation becomes more complex.Total square footage of the sides of a pool = perimeter*depth.If the depth is not uniform but has a constant gradient, then average depth can be used instead.For other depth profiles, the calculation becomes more complex.Total square footage of the sides of a pool = perimeter*depth.If the depth is not uniform but has a constant gradient, then average depth can be used instead.For other depth profiles, the calculation becomes more complex.Total square footage of the sides of a pool = perimeter*depth.If the depth is not uniform but has a constant gradient, then average depth can be used instead.For other depth profiles, the calculation becomes more complex.

How was statistics used in ancient times?

it was used to provide information pertaining to taxes, soldiers, agricultural crops, and even athletic endeavors.

How to find square footage of a circle outside of the 18ft and inside 20ft?

If the 18 stands for the radius, then the area formula : A= Pi r2 can be used. The question is standed strangely.

What is Square footage of 9 x 6 room?

It is not possible to answer the question because you have filed to specify the units used for the dimensions of the room. It should be blindingly obvious to anybody that the square footage of a 9 ft x 6 ft room will be quite different from one which is 9 yards x 6 yards.

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Used in smiling?

Zygomaticus is your smiling muscle

What muscle is the primary muscle used in smiling?

The Zygomaticus is the primary muscle used in smiling.

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Laughter and smiling are often used as a way of covering up feelings of embarrassment or displeasure in Cambodia.

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filming video footage with a crew

What a video camera used for?

filming video footage with a crew

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Voice-overs are most commonly used in documentaries, particularly those which show footage of natural environments including flora and fauna. They are also used with historical footage.

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Smiling realism is a term used to describe the practice of smiling with one's eyes while maintaining a neutral or serious expression with the mouth. It is often seen in the modeling and entertainment industries as a way to convey warmth and approachability without appearing overly cheerful.

Why is trench?

A reason I can think of in which soldiers used trenches for is to take cover from machine gunfire. Also, the correct title is why trenches ARE important. Not is.

What gestures are generally used in china?

Smiling, waving, and bowing are customary gestures in China.

Why trenches is important?

A reason I can think of in which soldiers used trenches for is to take cover from machine gunfire. Also, the correct title is why trenches ARE important. Not is.