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You use the x-coordinate before the y- coordinate.

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Q: What do you use first in coordinates y or x?
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Which comes first x axis or the y axis in math?

It is the x coordinates followed by the y coordinates i.e (x, y)

How do you find the y intercept when looking at 2 sets of coordinates?

Do you mean (1,3) - just use this, (x,y) first x and then y.

In coordinates does the x come first or does the y come first?

The x is 1st and the y is 2nd

When reflecting a figure in the x-axis will you change all of the figures X coordinates or the y coordinates?

The y-coordinates.The y-coordinates.The y-coordinates.The y-coordinates.

What coordinates do you use to launch the space ship?

The coordinates are X-56, Y-52.

What comes first the x or y axis?

In notation of coordinates it is the x axis followed by the y axis

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When you have recovered a fuel rod for the saucer, the instrument will let you use the X and Y dials to set the coordinates. But the planet coordinates the Queen gave you are too far away. You will need to use the coordinates from Mordred's missing journal page, which are X-56 Y-52. (see related question)

When writing coordinates on a graph does the y or x axis come first?

The x axis comes first! The Y axis is second!Remember: X,Y,Z!

How do you Enter 2D Coordinates in GstarCAD?

Absolute coordinates are based on the UCS origin (0,0), which is the intersection of the X and Y axes. Use absolute coordinates when you know the precise X and Y values of the point.

Which axis is listed first when listing coordinates of a graph?


How do you use coordinated in a scentece?

To write "it's x-coordinate is x and it's y-coordinate is y", you just write "It's coordinates are (x,y)".

What points are on the line given by the equation y equals x?

Y Equals X PointsAll points that has the same y coordinates as x coordinates are on the y=x line.