The prime factorization of 560 is: 2, 5, and 7
If your numbers have no prime factors in common, they are relatively prime.
Use the disibility rules
Once your prime factorization is complete and you discover that there are no numbers in common, the GCF is one and the numbers are declared to be relatively prime.
No, 3x5x4 is not a prime factorization of 60. A prime factorization of 60 would consist of only prime numbers. The prime factorization of 60 is 2x2x3x5.
Saying "The" Instead of "A"The prime factorization is used instead of a prime factorization because there is only one correct prime factorization of any given number. Of course, that refers to composite numbers because prime numbers have no prime factorization.The use of the word "a" implies that more than one prime factorization is possible when it's not. The use of the word "the" signifies that only one prime factorization is possible, though there are various ways to arrive at it.
use a factor tree
You use a factor tree, for the 2 denominators. Yes that is correct the answer on the top but it says 2 denominators. This is the real correct way To do Prime Factorization in fractions first prime factorization the numerator and then the denominator. then put the prime factorization of the numerator on top and put the prime factorization of the denominator on the bottom like fractions.
If the prime factorization contains a 5 and a 7, 35 is a factor.
you use prime factorization
An engineer
Prime Factorization of 22The prime factorization of 22 is:2 X 11Both numbers are prime, so 2 X 11 is the prime factorization of 22.
prime factorization is the factorization of numbers
The prime factorization is... 2x2x2x2x2x5x5